Benefits of using Scented Candles for your Mood

Benefits of using Scented Candles for your Mood

Scented candles play a significant role in how your mood and mental state shift. In fact, candles can affect you physiologically and impact you on a biological level. This is because scents stimulate the limbic system in your brain, which, as a result, stimulates the release of “happy hormones.” These hormones are serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals directly influence your mood from the inside out.

It’s remarkable how much cleaning up your space, pouring your favourite drink, taking a little me time, and lighting a candle can uplift your mood. 

Stress Management

Learning how to manage your stress is an important part of life. This is especially true if you have a demanding job or a load of responsibilities. Stress can come due to unexpected life events or unwanted trivialities.

If stress goes unmanaged for too long, it may start to affect your quality of life or physical health. Doing something small but significant for yourself, like lighting a scented candle, can go a long way.

Create a routine where you light a scented candle and take a few moments to be alone, decompress, and reflect. This will help you diffuse some stress and prioritize managing your anxiety levels. There are certain scents that can help you target stress. These scents include 

  • Rosemary and mint
  • Linen
  • Sandalwood
  • Jasmine
  • Bergamot
  • Orange
  • Bamboo
  • Lemongrass
  • Amber


Mood Regulation

Another one of the ways that candles can have a positive effect on your mood is through mood regulation. Mood regulation is important for managing day-to-day life, relationships, and mental health. There are many ways to regulate moods, like exercise, healthy eating, and therapy; however, a very simple way to regulate your mood is through acts of self-care.

Lighting a scented candle can provide you with the boost of energy and mental clarity you need to improve your mood. Because of the direct effects that scent has on your brain, you can self-regulate by lighting a beautiful smelling candle.

Focus on the intention of transitioning into a better mental space, and lean into the atmosphere that lighting a scented candle creates. You will find yourself feeling happier and mentally elevated.

You Can Link Scents to Memories

Memories are powerful, and scents have a direct impact on them. This is because there’s a physical connection between the regions of the brain and the olfactory center. This is important because you can use this link to associate the smells in your home with positive memories, which, in turn, can impact your mood in a beneficial way.

Suppose you light a orange and clove scented candle while eating Christmas dinner with your family every year. Now, every time you light a orange and clove scented candle in your home, you’ll subconsciously think back to those positive memories and emotions.

That gentle reminder can help improve your day and, as a result, put you in a better mood. So the next time you light a candle, think about how you can use the scent to create a bridge between positive memories and better mind space.

Scented candles have mesmerizing aromas that produce an uplifting effect. Along with the amazing mental benefits, the simple act can contribute to the way you regulate your mood, manage your stress, and improve your mental health. If you are interested in taking a little me time and improving your mood and physiological well-being by adding scented candles to your self-care routine, visit BAUX Home today for a variety of luxury hand-poured candles.





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